Amerton Farm Ticket Portal

Initial Advertisement Fee

Ticket options

  • First occasion only - upfront rental/advertising fee
    First occasion only - upfront rental/advertising fee

     On the first occasion only an upfront rental/advertising fee of £15.00 will be paid at checkout, to create a professional advert to advertise your business, as trading in the Amerton Artisan Hall.  Please note, the above fee of £15, is not optional, if you wish us to carry out third party advertising.  If you book another Pop up Pod /Mini Pop up Pod Station in the future with the same goods in your sales area, we will advertise your business again by using the same advert by changing the date, free of charge as many times as necessary.

    0 30 max

     On the first occasion only an upfront rental/advertising fee of £15.00 will be paid at checkout, to create a professional advert to advertise your business, as trading in the Amerton Artisan Hall.  Please note, the above fee of £15, is not optional, if you wish us to carry out third party advertising.  If you book another Pop up Pod /Mini Pop up Pod Station in the future with the same goods in your sales area, we will advertise your business again by using the same advert by changing the date, free of charge as many times as necessary.

Initial Advertisement Fee

0 items selected
